Our Patient Workflow:

  1. Registration: Complete the consultation request linked here. Receive an email or phone call to confirm your data has been received, instructions to complete paperwork within our Patient Portal, and details on your options for scheduling an appointment.
    You will be required to put a card on file and will be charged the initial $150 non-refundable deposit for your appointment.

  2. Consent: You will need to complete our patient consent prior to your consultation.

  3. Intake: This will be completed independently ahead of your appointment reviewing your health history information.

  4. Family History: Completed independently through an online questionnaire. Find what information you should know ahead of your Family History here.

    This takes about an hour and must be completed at least 72 hours ahead of your genetic counseling consultation.

    • Your genetic counselor will review your Family History in detail and may ask additional questions at the start of your appointment to ensure everything is properly recorded.

  5. Genetic Counseling Consultation: Your scheduled appointment with one of our genetic counselors can be accessed using a telephone, smart phone, tablet, or computer. Appointments generally take place through our secure Patient Portal and last about an hour. Any genetic testing, referrals, resource requests, or additional care will be discussed at this time.

  6. Follow-Up: For patients undergoing genetic testing, this appointment will be scheduled to review results once they become available. We recommend following up one year after your last appointment to check in on your overall wellness. Follow-up appointments will incur an additional fee at our standard rate.